

A veneer is a thin slice of ceramic with which we can correct the shape, size or color of a tooth. It is used in the front visible part of the tooth, in other words, the frontal section of the upper or lower jaw

Ceramic veneers easily cover stains, color defects or defects. Among other things, they can be employed to close large gaps between teeth.

How does it work?

Before the procedure itself, we can show you the approximate potential appearance of the teeth using a plastic mold, which can be made in the dental laboratory by a technician at the patient’s request. Next, we select a suitable color shade. After gently grinding the front part of the tooth and after the impression, a provisional veneer is glued to the tooth. Laboratory production can require a little over a week’s duration. Then the final procedure takes place, which is applied to the ground tooth. The patient perceives the veneer as their own tooth, which is unrecognizable to the naked eye.

Tailor-made and for a long time

Dental care does not end with the treatment itself. We continue to care about maintaining a stable shade, and high levels of quality and use. The longevity of ceramic veneers depends on care of the teeth. We therefore especially recommend perfect oral hygiene and careful biting, typically, for example, with firmer foods like apples.